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CMHB 2007

A Management Plan for the Protection and conservation of the Historical Center in Korcha, Albania
Kliti Kallamanta

North Market ,  Santa Fe Argentina.
María Beatriz Vera Candioti

Gorton Complex -Conservation Management Plan - Case of study
Rosario Argentina -

Carolina Rainero

Institutional building renovation -Efficiency vs appearance
Nikolai Jouro

Metropolitan Cathedral of Cochabamba Conservation and maintenance plan
Rocío Gissel Villarroel Villazón

The House of the Protected areas -where the ecotourism begins in Bolivia
Gonzalo A. García Crispieri

Cine Mussi Theater Conservation Programme Plan
Ariadne Marques de Mendonça

LANE House, São Paulo, Brazil
Maintenance Program & Plan
Lia Mayumi

Ressaca Farmhouse Maintenance Program & Plan, São Pablo, Brazil
Mauro Sanches  

The Subercaseaux Building Evaluation of the structural capacity in traditional construction in Valparaiso
Marcela Hurtado Saldías

Patio del Moro House - Case Study
Maria Mojica

Conservation of Traditional Roof in the Historical Center of Quito  Study of the technical interventions of the municipal program “Put your House in Shape”
Jacobo Herdoíza Bolaños

Vinces Old Town Hall Coastal Traditional Architecture in danger 
Claudia Peralta González

La Parroquia Santa Cruz de Roma  (The Holly Cross of Rome Church), Panchimalco, El Salvador Guidelines for a Conservation Plan
Celina Ganuza Durán

The Old House of the Currency Maintenance Program and Maintenance Plan
Iris Ardovini

Kulla of Mazrekaj family in Dranoc A Management Plan For A Sustainable Cultural Tourism Development
Jeta Limani

Proposal for Adaptation of the Emin Gjiku Stable Building in Prishtina An Adaptation Plan for a Sustainable Cultural Tourism Development
Rozafa Basha

Velika Hoca Management Plan  Restoration of Vineries and Lodgings
Predrag Nicic

South Gate of Kale Skopje Case Study
Sanja Ivanovska

Archaeological Site Stobensium, Macedonia -Applicative Study for Development of Community-Centred Approach in the Operational Management of the Site
Gjorgji Kalinski

Updating a modern building Renovation of the elementary school J. H. Pestalozzi
Ana Ivanovska

Restoration of a Traditional Montenegrin Stone House -The Site in the Village of Gačevići  
Aleksandra Kapetanović

Iglesia de Santa Liberata  Conservation & Adaptation of a XVIII century Baroque building to perform Peruvian Baroque Music Concerts in Lima - Peru
Luis Villacorta Santamato

Conservation  and  Management  of Cultural Heritage  in Inner City  of  Gaziantep  
Ayse Nur Onat

Management Plan of Sirince Village
Kivilcim Nese Akdogan

Reclaiming the Sounds of Silenced - Walls: Urla Design Library
Tevfik Balcioglu
