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CMHB 2008 212b

La Casa Solariega de Gil de Gumucio Maintenance program for policy management of historical building
Inés Rosario Flores Guzmán

States Pavilion in Ibirapuera Park Maintenance Plan
Geni Sugai

Conservation and Management Plan of Historical Buildings for a Monitoring System of Alegre and Concepcion Hills Area, part of the World Heritage Site
Karen Fried Agosin and Sandra Aliaga Vera

Escala Hotel Conservation Plan Its Impact on the Regeneration of the Nova Luz District – Sao Paulo
Carlos Jaramillo

Family House in trensition - Bogotá 
Sylvia Muñoz Moreno

Old Public Jailhouse Guayaquil - Ecuador 
Florencio Compte Guerrero

Conservation of Teferi House as a Museum
Imran AbdAllah

The Conservation of  Dirre Sheikh Hussein Heritage Site
Sintayehu Tola

Enhance Attraction of Cetho Temple thus enabling it to self-finance its own maintenance expenses 
Rudy Dewanto, Indonesia

Conservation and Urban Planning of Kenya Railway Headquarters
Irene Keino

Strategic Intervention: Conservationof the Old Portand its Precinct
Mugwima Njuguna

Urban revitalisation and reconstruction of Nënkalaja1 neighbourhood and Syndicate building in Prizren,  Kosovo Management and Conservation Plan
Enes Toska

Preservation and Maintenance of Rajbhandari House
Prabin Shrestha

Project of Putting of Value “The House of the 13 coins" 
Heidi Sotelo Durán

Methods and Strategies in the Rehabilitation of the Luneta Hotel -Rehabilitation and Adaptive reuse
John Joseph T. Fernandez

Seat of the First Philippine Republic -Management Plan for the Barasoain Church Historical Landmark
Lionidas C. Ongkingco

Conservation and Management of the Far Eastern University Heritage Structures Focus on the FEU Nicanor Reyes Hall 
Annie C. Pugeda

Wooden church ensemble in village Donja Jablanica, Serbia Conservation Plan and a proposal for revitalization
Bojana Mihaljević

Protect from decay threat -Reconstruction of the German Boma, Bagamoyo
Isabela Mtani

The Solis Theatre A Methodology for its Care and Maintenance
Daniel González Pardal

Jarai Tomb House Conservation  Tomb house - An artwork of Jarai People
Tran Ngoc Thu Hang
