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Participation in Informal Settlement Upgrading. A CBO's role in partnership with other actors (Pdf, 66kb)
Dorothy Abonyo (AD 1999)

Dissemination of Low-cost Building Materials and Technology in Kenya (Pdf, 46kb)
Marion Rono (AD 2001)

The Re-development of Large Informal Settlements in Nairobi (Pdf, 632kb)
Patrick Wasike (HD 2002)

The Construction Process – Girls Hostel, Buruburu Girls School (Pdf, 140kb)
Clementine Wangari Macharia (ICM 1999)

Construction Process in Kenya, with reference to Hazina Housing Estate (Pdf, 252kb)
Peter Kimari Gitau (ICM 2000)

Kibera Informal Settlement (Pdf, 1038kb)
Julius Wairagu (SDD 2006)

Advocating for Appropriate Pro-poor Housing
Policy in Tanzania: The Role of Activists (Pdf, 198kb)
Kellen Mngoya (SDD 2007 242b)

Affordable Housing Finance for the Low/Middle Income Households
- A Case for the Establishment of a Mortgage Guarantee Facility
(Pdf, 175kb)
Thomas Onyango Ogutu (SDD 2007 242b)

Resource Mobilization for housing provision of the Low Income in Kenya (Pdf, 140kb)
Ardelline Masinde (SDD 2007 242b)

The Forgotten Housing Cause
Halting Middle Income Housing Decay In Kenya Cities and Towns (Pdf, 195kb)
Joab Awalla (SDD 2007 242b)

Housing the Urban Poor in Nairobi - From the Slum to Apartments
– An innovative Urban Renewal Model
(Pdf, 878kb)
Stanley Kipkorir Ng`eny  (SDD 2008 242a)

Solutions to Underutilization of Appropriate Building Materials and Construction Technologies (ABTs) (Pdf, 535kb)
Ezekiel Ndukui Chege  (SDD 2008 242a)

Affordable Housing for Low and Middle Income Earners in Nairobi-  Kenya How can Government facilitate and foster sustainable human settlements in Nairobi-Kenya (Pdf, 84kb)
Nora Nthule Matindi (SDD 2008 242a)

Appropriate Building Technologies –The Option for Affordable Housing in Kenya (Pdf, 514kb) 
Henry Mogaka Ondieki  (SDD 2009 242b)

Reversing Horizontal Sprawl Towards more compact city neighbourhoods (Pdf, 1648kb)
Samuel Kinyua Kiai  (SDD 2008 242a) 

Restoration, Upgrading & Maintenance Plan for Lamu Museum (Pdf, 1.2 mb)
Alex Jimbi (CMHB 2009)

Revival of the Swahili Built Heritage Along The Kenyan Coast (Pdf, 1.7mb)
Mohammed Mwenje (CMHB 2009)
