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12. Climate Conscious Architecture and Urban Design in Jordan. Towards energy efficient buildings and improved urban microclimate (PDF).
Johansson, E. and D. Ouahrani (Eds.) HDM, Lund University 2009, 117 p. Eng. 180 SEK

11. Shelter for the Urban Poor - Proposals for Improvements - Inspired by World Urban Forum III (PDF).
Grundström, K., A. Wong Jere, (Ed.) HDM, Lund University 2008, 356p. Eng. 210 SEK

10. Le Climat l'Utilisateur et l'Architecture - Evaluation de l'adaptation climatique de Club d'enfant de Tozeur, Tunisie.  Ouahrani, D., Noômane Hachicha,  HDM, Lund University, 2007, 70 p. Fre. ---SEK

9. Partners in the City: Observations from Habitat (PDF).
Navarro Åstrand, R. (Ed.)
HDM, Lund University, 2004, 208p. Eng. 210 SEK

8.Climat & Urbanisme: La relation entre le confort thermique et la forme du cadre bâti (PDF).
Grundström, K., E. Johansson, D. Ouahrani, M. Mraissi, HDM, Lund University, 2003, 156p. Fre. 180 SEK

7. Architecture Adaptée aux Zones Arides.
Rosenlund, H., D. Ouahrani and E. Johansson (Ed.) Ark III, 1997, 104p.  Fre. 160 SEK

6. Modernisation of Traditional Tswana Housing.
Larsson, A., LCHS, 1996, 92p.  Eng. 160 SEK
Out of print.

5. Traditional Architecture in Zambia.
Schmetzer, Hartmut. LCHS, 1995, 112 p. Eng. 160 SEK

4. Experience, Competence and Sustainability. A follow-up of Swedish humanitarian aid to Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina.
Mossberg, B.; A. Wong Jere and J. Åstrand. LCHS, 1994, 102 p. Eng .160 SEK

2.Matériaux thermiquement isolants, Béton mousse, Panneaux en laine de bois.
Åstrand, J; L. Bessadi; E. Johansson; S. Laïd; H. Teggour and N. Toumi. LCHS, 1994 ,110p.  Fre. 120 SEK

1. Guide Technique de l'économie du bois de feu: l'expérience du Sahel.
Jorez, Jean-Philippe, LCHS, 1992, 176p, Fre.160 SEK


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